Are You Making The Most Of Your Potential?

Are you making the most of your gifts and opportunities?

Years ago I committed to living by this principle, “My potential is God’s gift to me. What I do with my potential is my gift to Him.” 

I believe I’m accountable to God, my family, others, and myself for every gift, talent, resource, and opportunity I have in life. If I give less than my best, then I am shirking my responsibility. UCLA coach John Wooden said it best, “Make everyday your masterpiece.” If we give our best all the time, we can make our lives into something special. And that will overflow into the lives of others. Continue reading “Are You Making The Most Of Your Potential?”

The Power of Perspective

Success can bring many things: power, privilege, fame, wealth. How we use those options reveals our character. Wealthy people can use their resources to benefit others or only themselves. Famous people can use their notoriety to model good character or to selfishly serve themselves. Leaders can make decisions that affect others positively or negatively. It is up to them.

At the heart of the matter is whether people desire to use their power to put others in their place or to put themselves in others’ place.  George Washington Carver made a great observation: “How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these.” Our treatment of others results from our perspective of them!

Put yourself in someone else’s place before leading him or her.

Do you keep your career options open?
Have you ever thought about finding a way to earn part-time income to supplement your job?  
If so, click here to watch this short video!

3 Ways To Make Yourself More Valuable


How serious are you about improving yourself?  There are many ways to improve yourself, but what are the most important things you can do to improve you?  No one else will find time to improve you, but you.

You will desire to increase your value if you are looking to move to the next level in your life.  I don’t know what your next level is, but I do know that we should always be moving up or forward in life.  How do we do this?  Increasing our value in life.

What is value?  Value is adding worth, raising the level importance, being beneficial, or making something more significant.

You have heard it said, “You cannot give what you do not have.” There are people who possess good hearts and the desire to give, yet they have very little to offer. Why? Because they have not first added value to themselves. Making yourself more valuable is not an entirely selfish act. When you acquire knowledge, earn a new skill, or gain experience, you not only improve yourself, but you also increase your ability to help others.


Are You An Entrepreneur Too? Jon Cannon

You may or may not know this about me, but I’ve always
been an entrepreneur at heart. And I’m proud to say I just made an important decision.

If you’re an entrepreneur too, you’ll definitely appreciate this.


Allow me to share 3 ways to increase your value and improve your life.

#1 Find Time

You must find time to improve you.  No excuse known to man is good enough to stop you from investing in yourself.

It’s important to set aside a little time daily to invest in yourself.  The question is, “What will you be doing during that time to invest in yourself?”  And the answer should be, “Whatever it takes.”

  • It may be reading book.
  • It may be attending a conference.
  • It may be searching the Internet for resources.

You will be researching and learning during this daily time you will set aside.  Just remember, if you don’t spend the time investing in yourself no one else will.  So you do “Whatever it takes.”

Your value begins to rise as you gain more knowledge and experience through this time you spend investing in yourself.

#2 Find a Team

Many people think they can do it on the own, but they couldn’t be more wrong.  You need a team to do anything great in this life.  You have probably heard the phrase, “It takes a team to achieve the dream.” Possibly you heard it this way, “Teamwork makes the dream work!”

Improving your value in life is an important matter and should not be taken lightly.  Another phrase I grew up hearing was “You are whom you hang around.”  In some cases that statement may not be true, but in most cases it is quite accurate.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. – Jim Rohn

You need to be around people who will be able to increase your value.  It is impossible for someone to add value to your life if they haven’t discovered their own value and purpose.

I am not encouraging you to disconnect or disassociate with people that are already in your life, unless those individuals are pulling you down or decreasing your value.  There are some people who will drain your value and you won’t know it until it’s too late.  Why subject yourself to the pain of living with regrets because you surrounded yourself with the wrong people.

So surround yourself with the right people who will give you the right advice to increase your value and improve your life.

#3 Find a Way to HelpSMILEimages

Don’t get so caught up in self that you forget to help someone else.  I know you cannot help the entire world.  No can help the entire world, but we can do little small things to give back.

At the end of the day, we were created to serve and help others.  Whether it is parenting, helping out at your church, blogging, helping a senior citizen carry groceries to her car, or feeding the homeless; do something and do it consistently.  And don’t ask for any pay from it.  Everything changes when start thinking about compensation.  Do it out of the goodness of your heart.  You will have plenty of opportunities to receive great compensation if you are helping other people.  The money will come.

You may be pressed for time, but I promise whatever it is can wait.  This will be a great opportunity for you to help someone, but more than anything you will be helping yourself.  You will discover God speaking directly to our heart during these times of helping others.  He will reveal greater opportunities for you to increase your value and improve your life.

Here is what I have learned:

As I improve myself, I am better able to help others improve. The more I grow, the more I can help others grow. The same will be true for you!

Do you keep your career options open? Would you like to diversify your income?


Your Opportunity Is Here!

Opportunity, Help Others Seize It!


Do for others what they cannot do for themselves.

Ambassador and poet Henry Van Dyke observed, “There is a loftier ambition than merely to stand high in the world. It is to stoop down and lift mankind a little higher.” What a great perspective! Doing for others what they cannot do for themselves is really a matter of attitude. I believe that whatever I have been given is to be shared with others. And because I have an abundance mind-set, I never worry about running out myself. The more I give away, the more I seem to get to give away!

No matter how much or how little you think you have, you have the ability to do for others what they cannot do for themselves. Exactly how you do that will depend on your unique gifts, resources, and history.

Few things are of greater value to a prepared person than an opportunity. Why? Because opportunities increase our potential. Demosthenes, the great orator of ancient Greece, said, “Small opportunities are often a source of success. Help people win by giving them opportunities, and you will win with them.”

Provide others with small opportunities to succeed, and then acknowledge and reward their success. 

Focus On Today


“A confused mind does nothing.” – Anonymous

Focus: fo’-cus / verb

  1. adapt to the prevailing level of light and become able to see clearly;
  2. pay particular attention to.

Just as you should keep your focus off yesterday, you should not have it on tomorrow. If you are always thinking about tomorrow, then you will never get anything done today.Your focus needs to remain in the one area where you have some control – today. What is ironic is that if you focus on today, you get a better tomorrow!

There are certain things you can do everyday to help you in this area.

  • Read daily to grow in your personal life.
  • Listen to others daily to broaden your perspective.
  • Think daily to apply what you have learned.
  • Write daily so you can remember what you have learned.
  • Share daily what you have learned with others.
There is hope in these tough economic days! Click here!

To help you focus and have the right mind-set, read this “Just for Today” list every morning:


  • I will choose and display the right attitudes.
  • I will determine and act on important priorities.
  • I will know and follow healthy guidelines.
  • I will communicate with and care for my family.
  • I will practice and develop good thinking.
  • I will make and keep proper commitments.
  • I will earn and properly manage finances.
  • I will deepen and live out my faith.
  • I will initiate and invest in solid relationships.
  • I will plan for and model generosity.
  • I will embrace and practice good values.
  • I will seek and experience improvements.
  • I will act on these decisions and practice disciplines, and then one day….I will see the compounding results of a day lived well! – John Maxwell “Today Matters”

Try doing this everyday. Remember, you cannot change yesterday. You cannot count on tomorrow. But you can choose what you do today! Give today your focus and reap the benefits tomorrow!

Do you keep your career options open?
Opportunity is here!


11 Things To Help You Be Productive and Organized


Being disorganized is costly, in terms of both money and time. But if you can convince yourself to slow down and get organized, the ROI will shock you.

“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” – Benjamin Franklin

While Benjamin Franklin’s estimation is overstated, spending time getting organized is still a valuable investment. Experts estimate that every hour spent in planning and organizing saves three to four hours of time that would otherwise be wasted.

There’s a reason why people who are the calmest and least stressed are the ones who get the most done—they understand the importance of organization, and they’ve adapted their habits accordingly. The good news is that you can become more organized and productive too, just by emulating the habits that they rely on.

1. They don’t let their desks get cluttered.

You may think you know exactly where, and in which stack of paper, you can find a particular document. But you’re kidding yourself if you don’t think you’d be more productive with a clean and organized desk. Just the act of organizing the stuff on your desk helps you organize it in your mind. In addition, research conducted at Princeton University revealed that the more our brains are bombarded by the competing stimuli on a cluttered desk, the less we’re able to focus. And this wasn’t just subjective evidence; they were able to see the difference in MRIs of the subjects’ brain activity.

2. They never touch things twice.

Organized and productive people never put anything in a holding pattern, because touching things twice is a huge time-waster. Don’t save an e?mail or a phone call to deal with later. As soon as something gets your attention, you should act on it, delegate it, or delete it.

3. They don’t respond to emails as they arrive.

Productive people don’t allow their e?mail to be a constant interruption. In addition to checking their e-mail on a schedule, they take advantage of features that prioritize messages by sender. They set alerts for their most important vendors and their best customers, and they save the rest until they reach a stopping point in their work. Some people even set up an auto-responder that lets senders know when they’ll be checking their e-mail again.

Do you keep your career options open? If so, check this out!

4. They work from a single to-do list.

Remember the days when people used to buy those expensive, leather-bound planners and fill them up with a to-do list color-coded by priority? Those might seem a bit old school now, but no one can deny that it was effective. Why were those planners effective? They reminded us how important it is to keep a single to-do list. When you consolidate everything into one list, you always know where to look, and you can stop wasting time trying to remember which list has the information you need.

5. They have a high level of self-awareness.

Highly productive and organized people have a clear sense of who they are. They know their weaknesses, and they put organizational structures in place to overcome them. If they tend to let meetings run too long, they set a timer. If they have trouble keeping TIME_2e7bmeetings productive, they make an agenda. If they forget to check their voicemail in the morning, they set a reminder. The details don’t matter; what’s important is that they think carefully and use specific aids and routines that work with their organizational weaknesses.

Are you searching for time freedom?
Check out this short video! 

6. They make time for lunch.

We’ve all been there—you’re head-down busy, and by the time you look up, it’s way past lunchtime. You end up either going without, or grabbing a donut or a bag of chips from the snack machine. Both are really bad ideas. The donut will give you an energy boost for about 20 minutes, but after that, your focus will drop like a rock. As far as skipping meals, not only does it affect your concentration, productivity, and problem-solving skills, it also affects your waistline—and not in the way you might expect. Research from Ohio State University shows that the weight you lose by skipping meals is muscle weight that you regain later as fat.

7. They eat frogs.

“Eating a frog” is the best antidote for procrastination; ultra-productive people start each morning with this tasty “treat.” In other words, they do the least appetizing, most dreaded item on their to-do list first, before they do anything else. After that, they’re freed up to tackle the stuff that excites and inspires them.

8. They tidy up at the end of each day.

The best remedy for clutter is to set aside about 10 minutes at the end of each day to organize your desk. Although we know that it’s best to touch things only once, we’ve all stopped halfway through a task because the phone rang or somebody stopped by to chat. You really can’t prevent such things, but you can end the day by resolving all of the things you left half-finished.

9. They plan their days the night before.

Organized and productive people go to bed each night, secure in the knowledge of what they’ll accomplish the following day. They get their priorities straight the night before, so that once the day starts, they’re less likely to get distracted by the “tyranny of the urgent”—those little fires that pop up and get in the way of their real priorities.

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10. They make full use of technology.

There’s been a lot said about how modern technology extends the work day, making it so that we’re always on the clock. While that may be true, technology can also make us more productive. Whether it’s setting up an e-mail filter to keep your inbox spam-free, or using an app like Evernote to organize information you’re going to need again, technology isn’t always bad. Used properly, it can save a lot of time.

11. They don’t ignore their snail mail.

For this one, we go back to the “touch it once” philosophy. For most of us, there’s not a lot of snail mail these days that we actually look forward to. But ignoring it can cause problems, especially when it comes to things like bills and tax notifications. Just go ahead and open it, and take care of it as soon as it arrives; otherwise, you’ll end up digging under the sofa cushions searching for that overdue bill.

Bringing It All Together

Every minute you spend looking for something you misplaced, or trying to remember what you’re supposed to do next, will harm your productivity. That, in turn, eats into your career potential. The good news is that there are many tools you can use to stay organized and productive, and so even the most disorganized among us can put a system in place to keep us in check.

3 Steps To Become a Better Leader


Leaders become great, not because of their power,
but because of their ability to empower others!

I was reading once again “The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork” by John Maxwell. I came across this principle and thought it would be a good reminder for us all.

How are you when it comes to crunch time on your team? Do you want the ball, or would you rather it was in someone else’s hands? If there are more talented and effective catalysts on your team, then you should not want to be the go-to-player in a pinch. In those cases, the best thing you can do is get an “assist” by helping to put those people into position to benefit the team. But if you avoid the spotlight because you are afraid or because you haven’t worked as hard as you should to improve yourself, then you need to change your mind-set.

Do you just need to catch a break? Searching for an opportunity?
Allow me to introduce you to this…

Start to put yourself on the road to improvement by doing the following things:

  1. Find a mentor. Players become catalysts only with the help of people better than themselves. Find someone who makes things happen to help you along the way.
  2. Begin a growth plan. Put yourself on a program that will help you develop your skills and talents. You cannot take the team to a higher level if you haven’t gotten there.
  3. Get out of your comfort zone. You won’t know what you’re capable of until you try to go beyond what you’ve done before.

If you follow these three guidelines, you still may not become a catalyst, but you will at least become the best you can be-and that’s all that anyone can ask of you.

Are you searching for time and financial freedom? If so, check this out!

America: The Land Of Opportunity Or Entitlement?


Will the United States be an Entitlement Society or an Opportunity Society? It’s not a new question. It’s roughly the same question Americans have been asked for decades.

Let’s begin with definitions:

OPPORTUNITY: a favorable juncture of circumstances; a good chance for advancement or progress.

ENTITLEMENT: the condition of having a right to have, do, or get something; the feeling or belief that you deserve to be given something (such as special privileges); a type of financial help provided by the government for members of a particular group.

What made America great? There are many factors to our greatness, but no one can deny the driving force of our greatness is the slogan: “America, the Land of Opportunity!” I mean, think about it, why do millions of people from other countries around the world risk everything, even their lives to get to America? Opportunity!

Since the Depression, Americans have generally had to choose between a political leader whose goal was to expand government (Entitlement), or one who wants to strengthen the private sector (Opportunity).

In an Entitlement Society, the government plays the role of a policeman who uses his power to ensure economic equality.Think of the policies during the 1930’s that prolonged rather than ended the Depression. Think of the War on Poverty, which never halted the poverty cycle. Think of the current president’s campaign theme about fairness, which he’s called “the defining issue of our time.”

An Entitlement Society requires wealth distribution — which requires government force. While hailed on the left as a panacea, a remedy for all difficulties, redistribution is a drain on an economy because it weakens a society’s motivation to work, invest and innovate. It moves capital from the private sector, where it would otherwise stimulate economic expansion, to the public sector, where money is spent so inefficiently that government spending is actually a drag on growth.

If a recent Gallup poll is to be believed, Americans aren’t that interested in reducing “the income and wealth gap between rich and poor.” Only 46% say that it’s “extremely” or “very” important that government should follow an equality agenda. At the same time, 82% say economic growth is either “extremely” or “very” important. More than half (52%) say that a wealth gap is an “acceptable part” of the economic system. Only 45% say it isn’t.

The growth that has created Western prosperity, the growth that 82% say is “extremely” or “very” important, is available nowhere else but in an Opportunity Society.

Only in open economies do shop owners, managers, workers and entrepreneurs have the incentive to create more wealth. On the other side is the Entitlement Society, in which the state guarantees that some or all of that wealth is divided among others who are considered more “entitled” to the wealth than the creators. In an Opportunity Society, however, creators keep what they produce, which is an incentive to produce more.

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Today, America’s economic system is mixed. It’s neither a full Entitlement Society nor a complete Opportunity Society. But we’ve moved hard toward a predominantly Entitlement Societyand ignored constitutional limits in doing so — where the special interests that have captured the government are the beneficiaries at the expense of the productive.

This is unsustainable. Greece, where the entitlement mentality has caused a fiscal collapse of the government and an economic breakdown, proves that handouts and state expansion can’t go on forever. Sweden, thought of by many on the left as having the right mix of welfare-state socialism and capitalism, saw this problem coming to its country years ago and quietly reversed its path.

Will America be smart enough to make the same adjustment?

Is Your Posture Leading You To Success?


Body language professionals list “posture” as one of the main character traits of successful individuals. What is posture? Posture is a position of a person’s body when walking into a room, when sitting or standing, or giving a presentation. Posture is a particular way of dealing with or considering something. Posture is an approach or an attitude. In short, your posture is your nonverbal body language.

Body language is the process of communicating nonverbally through body movements and gestures.  Positive body language can be defined as these nonverbal movements and gestures that are communicating interest, enthusiasm, and positive reactions to what you or some else is saying.  How you communicate with your body is important because research show that 60% to 90% of communication is nonverbal.  To many, body language is considered the most important aspect of communication as it sends signals to how we are truly feeling.

Therefore, when you walk into a room for that next meeting, stand tall and take up space with humility!  Power, status, and confidence are nonverbally displayed through the use of height and space. Keeping your posture tall, your shoulders back, and your head held high, while making eye contact makes you look sure of yourself.

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In Acts 26 we find the Apostle Paul in a less than ideal position, but I want you to think about his posture when addressing the king.

Then Agrippa said to Paul, “You are permitted to speak for yourself.” So Paul stretched out his hand and answered for himself: “I think myself happy, King Agrippa, because today I shall answer for myself before you concerning all the things of which I am accused by the Jews, especially because you are an expert in all customs and questions which have to do with the Jews. Therefore I beg you to hear me patiently.” Acts 26:1-3

In a compelling court speech, Paul addressed King Agrippa. Try to sense Paul’s strategy. Paul believed the best defense is a good offense and nearly converted King Agrippa. Observe how this successful leader postured himself and attempted to persuade his audience:

  • He appeared relaxed, yet used animated gestures.
  • He humbly thanked the king for allowing him to speak.
  • He affirmed the king’s knowledge and expertise. 
  • He identified with their opposition to the life he now embraced.
  • He described his motives as pure and constructive.
  • He explained that his obedience to God caused his trouble.
  • He challenged them with reasonable and verifiable facts.
  • He pled with them to obey God.

In order to be successful in your next meeting or presentation be sure to take a little time to think about your posture.

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Change, the Law Of Life


It’s often said that change is the only constant in life. Yet, humans are evolutionarily predisposed to resist change because of the risk associated with it. Despite this resistance to change, it is more important than ever. Napoleon once said, “One must change one’s tactics every 10 years if one wishes to maintain one’s superiority.” In today’s society the pace of change is immensely faster, and it will only continue to accelerate.

Organizations and people that don’t embrace change are bound to lose ground and stagnate. When you are anxiously anticipating a change–or in the midst of a challenging one—be encouraged with one of these quotes to help you plow through it:

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. -John F. Kennedy

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. -Maya Angelou

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. -Mother Teresa

Change your thoughts and you change your world. -Norman Vincent Peale

He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery. -Harold Wilson

How are you handling change?